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所在地: 廣東深圳市
有效期至: 2013-06-13 [已過(guò)期]
最后更新: 2012-06-13 07:11
瀏覽次數: 142


廣州怡峰建材有限公司: 鋼質(zhì)防火卷簾主要由啟閉電機、傳動(dòng)系統、控制系統、傳感裝置及門(mén)體簾面等幾部分組成,自動(dòng)化和度高,操作簡(jiǎn)便能有效隔絕火焰和有毒煙氣傳播,具有良好的抗熱輻射和抗風(fēng)壓能力,具備普通大門(mén)的防盜性能。廣泛適用于高層建筑、工業(yè)廠(chǎng)房、倉庫、車(chē)站、商場(chǎng)等各類(lèi)工業(yè)與民用建筑的防火分區部位! Steel Fire Proof Rolling Shutter 1. Steel Fire Proof Rolling Door, blessec with the functions of modern design, compact conformation, high rigidity, good performance in fire and Smoke prevetion performance:, easy operation, and space saving. It possesses manual and electric two operation modles, the computer control box could work independently with the smoke detector and temperature proble or netwok with the centry fire-fighting control system, the door could close under circumstances of power on and off, unmanned and manned, reach the purpose of separating the fire. The fire proof steel rolling door is used widely in fire compartment of all kinds of a public building, industry and civilian use buildings, especially for the tall opening that not open frequently. 2. Steel Fire Proof Rolling Door, include conventianal type (uniwafer) and mixed mode. The mixed mode fire proof steel rolling door is made of double panels, and filled with fire proofing material. The door panels are all hot rolled galvanizing sheet, which possess merits of modern design, attractive and durable, high rigity, good leak tightness and stable fire resistance. Manual and electric operation two modles, combine with smoke detector and thalposis, it will automatic control or by the central control room in case of fire.
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北京全自動(dòng)袋裝液體包裝機+袋裝醬油醋包裝機 賀德克0060D003BN4HC濾芯
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